Omar (MaR) Gonzalez
Location: Dirty South (Harlingen)
Joined: Saturday, February 2, 2002
Last Update: Thursday, April 24, 2003
2002 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24About This Vehicle:
With Betsi J Soprano Lopez #1...Gonzalez sidelined I needed another car. I couldn't stray away from the z24 line up so set out for 2002. Being that 2002 z24s were really hard to get I custom ordered mine and waited w/ great anticipation wondering what would I name it(don't ask I'm very superstitious).Promising my girlfriend that I would name it after her I thought of something that would stick however people already knowing the reputation of Omar(thats me)with his z24 naturally called it Betsi #2. And why this one was going to live on in what Betsi #1 did and do what Betsi couldn't. Not having the never to call her #2 I name "Betsi J Soprano Lopez 2002...Gonzalez" And I liked to say that a new chapter was written but me and Betsi double O 2 rewrote the book. Her favorite prey were hondas take them as they civics all sorts and accords. And her winning record has never been touched by Honda. Although I must confess Betsi has had some crushing blows as in defeats from some very worthy competition. Body Style: Coupe Color: Ultra Silver Metallic Engine: 2.4L DOHC "Twin Cam" Transmission: Manual Interior: black and red
Engine:- Blue Hot Loomz hosing covers
- Red Hot Loomz hosing covers
- Iceman CAI
Suspension/Wheels/Brakes:- MR5 17" Motegi Racing Wheels(right now only the back tires have the 17" MR's on the cheap-ass tires that they sold me with the rims have not melting pointing I don't stop sliding until the race is over)
- the two fron tires are stock 00 up rims with stock tires
Interior:- Clear climate control knobs(tinted red)
- 12" blue neon glow
- 5" blue neon located uner radio consol
- blue iniglo racing pedals
Exterior:- Streetglow underkit (RED)
- Team Speed and Style logo(New Red Black & Silver)
- customized number 68(black w/ silver backgrounds) on both rear passenger windows
- customized Series 1 Predator Hood
- after market windshield (NO REALLY! some jack @$$ threw a rock threw my windshield...I know the chances of you reading this are slim to none but I'm coming after you bitch)
Audio:- 1000 watt clarion amp
- 2x 12" Kicker Comp VR
Future:- in negotiations for a blue/green indiglo gauge face (the guy ordered the 00 and up face for his 98 z24 and rather than buy it off him I'm trying to trade him for the Predator hood)
- I need to get a power capacitor that system is way to powerful for my lil o battery
- trying so so so hard to get my hands on that gm magnuson super-charger
- right now digging up the cash for good set of nittos
