Location: Michigan
Joined: Saturday, October 16, 2004
Last Update: Sunday, February 26, 2012
Last Seen: Friday, May 30, 2014
Email: unlisted
2002 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24Body Style: Coupe Color: Blue Engine: 2.4L DOHC Transmission: Manual Interior: mixed
Engine:- 2.3L HO intake
- STans header
- 2.5" DP
- 2.5" Super Turbo where the at should be
- hacked up 2.5" Willies exhaust
- 2.5" Super Turbo muffler
- Stock flywheel
- 370cc injectors
- GM S/C reflash
- slight program work to allow 5400 RPM
Suspension/Wheels/Brakes:- old worn out stock @!#$ from my 98
Exterior:- stock hood off of my 98
- dents by assholes
- slight rust thanks to salt on roads
Miscellaneous:Future:- New motor in the works...............maybe but doubtfull.
- Probably a new trans again in 10K miles if I keep this @!#$ money trap
@!#$ this car
