Jonathan Abt
Location: New Philadelphia, Ohio
Last Update: Saturday, November 8, 2003
1994 Pontiac Sunbird LEAbout This Vehicle:
She was purchased in Las Vegas, and was my first, and still best, convertible. I also own another convertible that shall remain nameless. This one is still my favorite on nice humid summer nights. It'll never be a racer, but it has class. Body Style: Convertible Color: Medium Cloisonette Engine: 2.0L I4 SOHC Transmission: Automatic Interior: Gray Purchase Date: 6/99 Purchased From: Gaudin Ford, Las Vegas
Engine:Suspension/Wheels/Brakes:- Painted Rims (Medium Cloisonette)
Interior:- Playstation and monitor stealth mounting
Audio:- Still singing to myself although the radio is fixed
Miscellaneous:- Custom trun signal handle (broke off in hand replaced with wrong model)
Future:- Custom Air intake (Cone)
- Re-painting the car
- custom interior
