Really we are going to celebrate a dead presidents birthday?? I have nothing against the man and it seems he did a really good job as president, but he is dead.
FU Tuning
Washington's birthday was also celebrated. Now we've folded both into President's Day.
That's two out of 44 presidents...which is not exactly a minute percentage. Thus, it's far from unheard of. Nonetheless, before we canonize Reagan, I'd think holding him in the same light as Washington and Lincoln should be given
very careful consideration.
columbus day.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
MLK day
I work on Wall Street, but didn't force you to take out a loan you couldn't afford.
woops, missed sndsgoods post. But yeah. It's not uncommon to celebrate something like this. And they are not making it a national holiday, or even celebrating it every year, the only reason they are making it a big deal is because it would have been his 100th birthday. Simple as that. Does it really bother you that much?
I work on Wall Street, but didn't force you to take out a loan you couldn't afford.
Mikey (drpdcavi) wrote:woops, missed sndsgoods post. But yeah. It's not uncommon to celebrate something like this. And they are not making it a national holiday, or even celebrating it every year, the only reason they are making it a big deal is because it would have been his 100th birthday. Simple as that. Does it really bother you that much?
Yes actually it does. I get MLK day.
The fact they they are celebrating what would have been his 100 bday and no others really makes no sense. He died so he is not 100 years old.
FU Tuning
but why do you care? yesterdays news already
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
From what I seen only his family, friends & supporters celebrated what would've been his 100th birthday, news stations and government just made a note of it. They did the same thing for that crooked ass Nixon. It wasn't like it was a national holiday.
Spike J wrote:From what I seen only his family, friends & supporters celebrated what would've been his 100th birthday, news stations and government just made a note of it. They did the same thing for that crooked ass Nixon. It wasn't like it was a national holiday.
correct. it wasnt some goverment thing, it was just people celebrating it. and the news reported it. no diffrent then when the news comes on and tells us that some lady in town just turned 105 or something. just them reporting on an event. it just happens to be a really big event since he was a presedent.!/Square1Photography
christmas. done and done.
we celebrate reagan because he was one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century.
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:I don't get celebrating one of the worst presidents of the 20th century, his style of politics is (still being carried out) what got us in the current mess to begin with. I refuse to celebrate $hit, much less an actor that happens to communicate well as president only to be a "D-rated" actor in his early years.
well its not a national holiday so you dont have to celebrate it!/Square1Photography
I don't care if nancy brings you cookies on a hemp platter, you don't have to celebrate. Why don't you go celebrate Che instead...that's make you all smiley.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
True Conservative wrote:christmas. done and done.
we celebrate reagan because he was one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century.
Really Christmas? He was not a president. Totally different.
FU Tuning
Facist? lol. You say it like its a cuss-word. That's what the hippies said about Lyndon Johnson and Nixon. Look up the definition of the word.
FascismFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For the Italian political movement so named, see Italian Fascism.
Fascism (pronounced /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is an authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2][3][4] Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy.[5][6] Fascism was originally founded by Italian national syndicalists in World War I who combined extreme right-wing political views along with collectivism.[7] Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right.[8][9][10][11][12] Confusion over whether fascism is of the left or right is due to the inability to fit the economic policies into a clear-cut category, because while fascism is considered on the right politically, fascist economic controls were left-wing, though ended up benefiting social groups considered to be supportive of right-wing parties.[13]
Fascists believe that a nation is an organic community that requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.[14] They claim that culture is created by the collective national society and its state, that cultural ideas are what give individuals identity, and thus they reject individualism .[14] Viewing the nation as an integrated collective community, they see pluralism as a dysfunctional aspect of society, and justify a totalitarian state as a means to represent the nation in its entirety.[15][16] Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state.[17] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.[18]Idolization and exaltation of violence, war, and militarism are central components of fascism, which fascists see as providing positive transformation in society, in providing spiritual renovation, education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character, and creating national comradeship through the military service.[19] Fascists view violence and war as actions that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality.[20]
Fascism rejects the concepts of egalitarianism, materialism, and rationalism in favour of action, discipline, hierarchy, spirit, and will.[21] Fascists oppose liberalism (as a bourgeois movement) and Marxism (as a proletarian movement) for being exclusive economic class-based movements.[22] Fascists present their ideology as that of an economically trans-class movement that promotes ending economic class conflict to secure national solidarity.[23] They believe that economic classes are not capable of properly governing a nation, and that a merit-based elite of experienced military persons must rule through regimenting a nation's forces of production and securing the nation's independence.[24] Fascism perceives conservatism as partly valuable for its support of order in society but disagrees with its typical opposition to change and modernization.[25] Fascism presents itself as a solution to the perceived benefits and disadvantages of conservatism by advocating state-controlled modernization that promotes orderly change while resisting the dangers to order in society of pluralism and independent initiative.[25]
Fascists tend to support a "third position" in economic policy, which they believe superior to both the rampant individualism of laissez-faire capitalism and the severe control of state socialism.[26][27] Italian Fascism and most other fascist movements promote a corporatist economy whereby, in theory, representatives of capital and labour interest groups work together within sectoral corporations to create both harmonious labour relations and maximization of production that would serve the national interest.[28] However, other fascist movements and ideologies, such as Nazism, did not use this form of economy.[28]
I think you like the cuss-word variation, and not the wiki definition.
Oh, and the old lady is alive and kicking...although, last I heard, she has pneumonia. and the only shrine in my apt is the flat screen tv.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
hehe@ using Wiki.
But fortunately for me, thanks for proving my point too. Wait what? Read what you copy and pasted, tie it in with what your people been doing... especially that old lovable corporate puppet: The Gipper.
And since you tend to conveniently forget to easily, or just ignorant on what he did... since some here love to sniff Gipper's ass in search for that golden egg of bull $hit. Here is a realty check to the fairy tales being told today.
Anti-fallacy article.

Let it go Elmo, he's dead, and will forever be remembered as one of the best presidents in US history, your sniveling, notwithstanding.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
How about celebrating Jesus? Someone who never was president, but also someone that probably never existed.
Exactly, don't they say don't believe everything you read?
There's tribes that still believes in rain gods? Sun gods? And we call them crazy. What makes you think 1000 years down the road, they will probably believe in something different, and call us crazy!
"Fascists present their ideology as that of an economically trans-class movement that promotes ending economic class conflict to secure national solidarity.[23] They believe that economic classes are not capable of properly governing a nation, and that a merit-based elite of experienced military persons must rule through regimenting a nation's forces of production and securing the nation's independence.[24] Fascism perceives conservatism as partly valuable for its support of order in society but disagrees with its typical opposition to change and modernization.[25] Fascism presents itself as a solution to the perceived benefits and disadvantages of conservatism by advocating state-controlled modernization that promotes orderly change while resisting the dangers to order in society of pluralism and independent initiative.[25]"
Substitute "Progressives" for "Facists" and you have summed up one of the most destructive movements in American history - Progressivism. In fact, we can point to all the presidencies after ( the person disbaraged by some in this thread) the great conservative, Ronald Wilson Reagan, as "progressive" presidencies. Those progressive presidents are: George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Jefferson Clinton, George Walker Bush and Barack Hussein Obama. What do they hope to progress toward, you ask? They hope to progress to bigger government, less American sovereignty leading to a NEW WORLD ORDER. Sorry, I like the current world order with America first, thank you.
Why celebrate Ronald Wilson Reagan? Because his supply side economics kept the United States ahead of the Chinese and Japanese until subsequent progressives put us at the current trade deficit with these nations. If you recall, GM was still leading the world in the auto business with Ford in second place and Chrysler re-inventing itself with turbo cars and the Mini Van under the leadership of Lee Iaacocoa.
Why celebrate Ronald Wilson Reagan? Because his policies (along with Richard Nixon's) helped destroy the Soviet Union. We didn't meddle in the affairs of Middle Eastern governemtns, either.
Why celebrate Ronald Wilso Reagan because he made American feel proud to be Americans. How do you feel now?
Why celebrate Ronald Wilson Reagan? Because he did more with his life in some 90 years than 99% of the people (and most of us) do with theirs. Just look up his biography sometime and marvel at it.
I joined this thread as I love American cars and the American way of life - but I didn't expect "America and American institution haters" on here. Ronald Wilson Reagan is an American institution just as "Chevy" is - like it or not.