Is it just me or does it seem like the only thing Canada has to offer this site is a bunch of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists? eh?
Whats this all aboot? I swear 99% of the people making dumb ass posts in this forum are Canadian's ragging on America politics and what not. Do you really have nothing better to do the worry about everything that does not affect you?
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, September 21, 2010 8:24 PM
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

who made the comment or what specific post? be a little more specific
We're not the ones who wear your flag when we travel. Who cares what you think of us, it's what everyone things of YA'LL. Lol.
Maybe most people you run into on the internet aren't educated in the topics they're trying to discuss. Maybe by trying to argue invalid points against actual thought and reasoning behind other peoples responses to the dumb posts is the easiest way to alleviate the ignorance.
Or maybe the J-body isn't where the best and brightest come to talk politics. We did buy J-body's afterall...
And how does America's situation not affect us? They are the worlds largest economy, they buy TONNES of @!#$ from us, the stronger their dollar the more they spend. Everything you do affects the whole world in a huge way. We would be dumb not to be worried about questionable actions taken by shady world leaders.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
ChrisH4Life wrote:We're not the ones who wear your flag when we travel. Who cares what you think of us, it's what everyone things of YA'LL. Lol.
Maybe most people you run into on the internet aren't educated in the topics they're trying to discuss. Maybe by trying to argue invalid points against actual thought and reasoning behind other peoples responses to the dumb posts is the easiest way to alleviate the ignorance.
Or maybe the J-body isn't where the best and brightest come to talk politics. We did buy J-body's afterall...
And how does America's situation not affect us? They are the worlds largest economy, they buy TONNES of @!#$ from us, the stronger their dollar the more they spend. Everything you do affects the whole world in a huge way. We would be dumb not to be worried about questionable actions taken by shady world leaders.
I know that the not so bright people come to this site I get the lack of education from your first two sentences. It just humors me to see them act like a bunch of tin foil hat wearing idiots. They think there is always something behind everything and are going to give themselves aneurysms. Or they are going to drive themselves batty and end up shooting anyone and everyone that comes near them.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

i didnt realise they were from canada, just assumed there were tin foil wearing americans. i dont think where they live has anything to do with there issues.
on a side note ive probalby seen peole from about every nation where clothes with the colors of there flag on them. thats not just an american thing.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, September 22, 2010 5:11 AM!/Square1Photography
America has a bunch of idiots too man anytime someone hears the word american you right away get oh those dumb asses and they're not all dumb but 85% - 89% are sheep who believe everything they're government says and the rest are people who despise the government .
If you don't like us why don't you just kill your ass already you whiny ass american hey that's one thing american's are good at is whining all they do is whine , whine but once their government screws them over they just bow down and accept it .
I will continue to talk about america as i please as so can anyone else freedom of speech on the internet bro .
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
John H wrote:America has a bunch of idiots too man anytime someone hears the word american you right away get oh those dumb asses and they're not all dumb but 85% - 89% are sheep who believe everything they're government says and the rest are people who despise the government .
If you don't like us why don't you just kill your ass already you whiny ass american hey that's one thing american's are good at is whining all they do is whine , whine but once their government screws them over they just bow down and accept it .
I will continue to talk about america as i please as so can anyone else freedom of speech on the internet bro .
I don't whine about my government. I know its @!#$ up and I just don't care. What can one person do to fix the entire government? Also I will continue to talk @!#$ about people from another country sticking their noses into our business (another one of our governments flaws) But since our country is so bad that you have to point out them all why do you follow with our flaws?
Yes killing myself would be the best idea for not liking you, is that all you could come up with? Really are we in high school? At least tell me how so I can be entertained. Maybe next time tell me I need to shove dynamite up my ass and walk around singing I'm a little tea pot till I explode. Something other then just kill yourself.
WTF is with everyone on here saying bro. Am I a @!#$ black person? Am I even remotely close to being your friend? Am I your brother? Just trying to figure out these stupid slang terms that mean nothing and were ditched in high school by most educated people in society.
I have noticed Canadians are pretty good at whining also and walking around pointing out every flaw of another country. Canadians act like there @!#$ doesn't stink but its just as bad as everyone else. \
I will continue to talk aboot Canada as I please and so can anyone else freedom of speech on the internet eh.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Canada is greatly affected from the Northern Lights as only the Northern most states of the US are and even then it's nothing like the Northern Lights in Canada. The Northern Lights come from bursts from the sun. The sun is in space and aliens come from space. Aliens shoot stupidmoronicprofenosis (alien butt wax) into the sun. This in turn is ejected from the sun in the form of the Northern Lights dissipating over the Canadian territory. From here it is very clear that this is absorbed from the Canadians and in-fact makes them the idiotic sheeps that are confused in their own ways.
Scientific backing, side affects of stupidmoronicprofenosis;
- Speech impediment i.e. aboot, ya knooow, ehh etc.
- Confused brain function
- Conspiracy beliefs
- Honoring of a leaf
- French or English?
- Pizza arrives faster than an Ambulance
- Loss of navigation and impaired judgment (they drive semis on ice)
- Butt sex, they all hate butt sex
Based on my rational scientific evidence as you can see, I have proved why indeed Canadians are the confused individuals that we all know.
John H wrote:America has a bunch of idiots too man anytime someone hears the word american you right away get oh those dumb asses and they're not all dumb but 85% - 89% are sheep who believe everything they're government says and the rest are people who despise the government .
If you don't like us why don't you just kill your ass already you whiny ass american hey that's one thing american's are good at is whining all they do is whine , whine but once their government screws them over they just bow down and accept it .
I will continue to talk about america as i please as so can anyone else freedom of speech on the internet bro .
if you do any research on the u.s. youlle find out that most people disagree with our goverment. this is why there approval ratings are in the 30% and under rating, meaning 70% or more of the population is unhappy with the goverment. that right there kind blows your whole we beleive everything the goverment says theory out of the water.!/Square1Photography
Well if you guys are unhappy with your government then remove it .
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
First get rid of your government then them politicians/senators lawyers/lobbyists big corporations/big pharma and anyone else who is corrupt and then impeach obama and then send any past presidents who are still alive to prison . I'd seriously consider moving to America then but i like it here in canada .
It's not that these people or should i say thugs scare me cause they don't but i don't like it when people try and take my rights away and make me their slave .
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
John H wrote:First get rid of your government then them politicians/senators lawyers/lobbyists big corporations/big pharma and anyone else who is corrupt and then impeach obama and then send any past presidents who are still alive to prison .
i knew we'd hit the jackpot eventually
you do realize why there is no country without a government don't you? without government, there would be no order, nothing to hold anyone accountable. there's a reason anarchy is synonymous with chaos.
Check out my build thread!
RuggedZ wrote:you do realize why there is no country without a government don't you? without government, there would be no order, nothing to hold anyone accountable. there's a reason anarchy is synonymous with chaos.
We have a government but there still is crime , hold who accountable oh right the citizens .
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
and you honestly think crime would decrease without a government? wow i'd love to live in your fantasy world.
Check out my build thread!
Crime might not decrease without a proper government, I don't know who's saying that.. I believe that a government doesn't need to be powerful and have it's hands in every pot to be effective. They always run everything overbudget and behind schedule, at least where I live. They always push "affirmative action" to hire less qualified minorities to positions because it seems like the "PC" thing to do. They pass bills that waste money and accomplish nothing but to raise the budget beyond what the country can afford. And they never repeal or clear up anything, they just seem to add on layers and layers of bureaucratic bull@!#$ until no one that isn't willing to spend all their time trying to decipher it can figure it out. All wasteful expenditures. And when something goes wrong, it's the previous party's fault. I'm pretty sure republicans and democrats. or whatever parties you get to vote for, if you get to vote, are one in the same, working together to accomplish whatever it is their endgame is.
And I'm not just talking about your government, I'm talking about all governments. The more power they have, the more they seem to want. A government could be compared to a mob in a way. It's beginnings were probably dignified and just, but with time it becomes corrupted and crooked and anyone who questions the actions of it are dealt with accordingly depending on the threat level to 'security'.
I'm no expert on the subject as you can probably tell... But then again I don't claim to be. I just hope I don't sound like John H.... Pretty bad sentence structure and it seems like theres little reasonable thought going on there...
And we don't all say aboot. I had my friend from Kentucky say it sounded like I said a-boat. Kind of lazy on the sound the u makes. Just FYI.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
^ not gonna argue with you on any of that. however, based on john's previous threads and replies, he clearly favors anarchy, which is what he was implying when he said our entire government needs to be removed.
Check out my build thread!
He wants to kill Obama and take over as the Monarch of North America and fix all our lives good, I think.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
John H wrote:First get rid of your government then them politicians/senators lawyers/lobbyists big corporations/big pharma and anyone else who is corrupt and then impeach obama and then send any past presidents who are still alive to prison . I'd seriously consider moving to America then but i like it here in canada .
It's not that these people or should i say thugs scare me cause they don't but i don't like it when people try and take my rights away and make me their slave .
so you dont want to live here because you dont want to live in a place that takes yoru rights away. but your living in canada and just made a post/rant about how our goverment wants to take our guns away.... um whats the gun laws in canada?!/Square1Photography
John H - I think you need to research Somalia. Somalia is basically your utopia in the flesh. But of course everyone there is safe, healthy, and happy - obviously our governments just don't want you to know about it.
ChrisH4Life wrote:He wants to kill Obama and take over as the Monarch of North America and fix all our lives good, I think.
No i don't you idiot seriously someone even more paranoid then me perhaps a sheep will call the cops on me but seriously though i ain't that crazy .
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "