Okay, we've all heard/seen this one:
Okay... apart from the failing around looking for some answer that will sound like it's politically relevant, and adding in other issues that aren't germaine to the question, I have to ask these two questions:
First: Is the question asked based out of a real statistic? Is it true that about 20% of people polled can't locate the US (Assuming it's the continental US, and not every protectorate, territory and annexed area) on a map? Given that there is an "initiative" Called No Child Left Behind (let's not call it a program, because a program would have been funded properly, a set of targets without the funds or means to structure a budget to make those targets... it's an initiative), that is supposed to stress the 3 R's (which is funny, because only one really starts with R) doesn't include elementary Geography? What is that? I'm not a US citizen, but we had US history and geography... almost to the detriment of Canadian History and Geography. How the hell is it that 98% of Canadians can do what 20% of Americans can't?
This is assuming that those 20% of people just declined to respond, or some other errant action.
Second: Is critical thinking in that short supply? Seriously speaking, if this girl can't form a cohesive thought and articulate it on the spot, why did she not take the time to figure it out in her head and communicate it? I'm gonna be really honest, I think that part of being in front of a group of people requires that you have public speaking skills and the ability to think on your feet. I understand fully that there is a ton of pressure in these contests, and it is only a beauty pageant: but that's irrelevant... When this kind of thing is just accepted or worse, condoned, you see a real degradation of your personal image and your ideas are subsequently given less consideration or stature.
This is happening in the President's office, and it's kinda sad and scary at the same time: He's the leader of the free world and sounds like a buffoon when he's off script so why should I shoot to be any better?
Am I the only person that thinks this is ludicrous?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
OF course you're not the only one who thinks it's ludicrous.
As far as the first point you made, I don't believe that is an actual legitimate statistic or question. Statistics are too easy to fudge for that to have any value whatsoever. Who's to say they didn't poll a bunch of 5-year-olds? As sure as I am of the overall unintelligence of Americans and people in general, I doubt any semi-competent individual couldn't locate the U.S. on a map, given that they'd had that information at one point in their lives.
With the second point you made, I don't think a beauty contest is the best sample to draw conclusions about critical thinking from. People in general I guess just don't hold intelligence, logic, cohesion, or structured thought on the same level as other, more material or artificial things. Sad but true.
It's been long enough now that I have the map of Djibouti memorized, maybe I used that space and forgot the US map... No not really, I agree though in the last 10 years they have let some really dumb people graduate because they could not hold them back. Now No child left behind, I happen to be rather spartan on this topic, if yout friggin kid twitches, maybe he should have a helmet and a sippy cup and try the grade again (i apologize for my blatant sarcasm) my best friend teaches 2nd grade. in my town we happen to have a crap load of illegals (CT) now guess what the kids no speak da ingles, nor do their parents, so when they test they fail and teh school loses money as a punishment by NCLB. So how do they fix the issue with more illegals and less money the next year when it never ends?
as far as geography the problem is now all schools teach up to the test instead of teaching a cirriculum. they need to show results so they focus on minor things instead of expanding peoples minds and creating well versed students.
The US is &ucked, if clinton gets in I'm moving to canada, i may not be able to point it out on a map but i know which way north is!
42% of all statistics are made up anyways
We're North of Djibouti, but I think we're a little further west...
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I'm sure they did a really confusing poll about what country is the U.S. or something like that. I know there are some people who don't know what it looks like but can figure out where it is (between canada and mexico). You also have to factor in the people who just don't care. If they don't travel outside of their state and don't have any plans on traveling the globe why should they recognize the U.S.? If there's no need to know it some people just won't want to learn.
* Student of the University of Oklahoma. Go Sooners!
I find it ludicrous that you, of all People, GAM, would not only believe that there is a such thing as "the free world", but that Bush is the leader of it.
But that's beside the point...
I think that education in the US is taken secondary to other less relevant things, like making sure no one can bring in guns, making use all these kids look alike, shoving pseudo religious dogma down their throats, and teaching from either the pulpit, or someone's socio political beliefs rather than the facts. That and the fact that it's not politically correct to call someone's brat a dumbass because they simply can't learn these things.
Couple that with the fact that a lot of parents havbe the idea that teaching their kids is not their job.
You're basically asking too much from a very primitive and paranoid culture.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I was speaking in the hyopthetical Keep, bush ain't the leader of the free world: He's definitely pay-for-play.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Point taken; I just keep on getting sick of people referring to "The Free World" when there's no such thing.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Bad Ace Design wrote:ToBoGgAn wrote:42% of all statistics are made up anyways
i heard it was 43%...huh
No, I'm pretty sure it's more like 67.45%
Guys, come on we all know that 99.9% of Statistics are made up or offset for person gain.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
89Sunbird wrote:Civic Eater wrote:The US is &ucked, if clinton gets in I'm moving to canada, i may not be able to point it out on a map but i know which way north is!
If Clinton, Obama, or any of the others from which ever party could get the country out of the fiscal and political quagmire Gilligan has you wedged in, best of luck to them. Bill Clinton successfully un-fu*ked the country out of 12 years of Defecit and war-time financing, but then again, GHW Bush was able to figure out that tax cuts aren't a good idea when you're financing a war.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Ron Paul would be about the best choice for that.
^^^first i saw that as Ru Paul. If that was the case my question would be who...it's running mate would be...
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Boy George would be my guess
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
taxes - tax cuts + war + money for bush cuz oil usage goes up during war, he does not know what debt is because his daddy always got him out of trouble, he is as stupid as that chick
How do you take a poll on finding something on a map?
Walk around with a big map and ask people to locate places?
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
Whatever wrote:Walk around with a big map and ask people to locate places?
Or a globe... Wierder things have happened.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I love Bill Maher
I meant to post this a while ago.
^^^ hA ha ha ha
If I where asked that question.. I woulda just said those people are stupid.
And GAM...
Beleive it or not.... kids are only tought in america what our country wan't us to know... All the history books are re-done to make America sound superiour and what not... It's not really any different than how german kids where taught when the Nazi's had control. Too this day (was just wondering about this yesterday)... I have no freaking clue how Canda was founded or formed. The original settlers would have had to come over with the same same people that founded America... but they don't teach that stuff in our schools.
3rd of all....
I'm not a sexist or racist person... but common... do you really think a black man, or a woman will be elected for president in our lifetime? It's not going to happen even if the resons for it are rediculouse and BS..
This is a topic I feel pretty compelled about. I totally agree that general dumbness is on the rise in America and it is all about consumerism. It's all about selling something, and dumb people are easier to sell things to. Once we got enough corporate string puppets in the higher levels of government it was only a matter of time. Even the Roman Empire couldn't get past having rats in governments and that was the eventual downfall. The similarities are all too similar.
Personally I try not watch the news or any kind of blatantly marketing influenced television. It's actually kind of disgusting to me now, first and foremost just how awful the shows are but also all of the damn subliminal messages and product placement. The news is only to scare people or make people depressed. If you turn it on they're always broadcasting bad news, whether its relevant or not. Considering that most Americans get their education from the television it is no surprise that the airplane crashed into the mountain. The numbers of subscriptions in virtually every type of printed media.
And don't even get me started about how corrupt the FCC is. All of the fines and @!#$ over Janet Jackson's nasty old pierced titty on the super bowl, but they show boner-pill commercials during prime time television back to back to back, check out Bob's big new dose of attitude there he is with a @!#$ eating grin. He's now taking Enzyte natural male enhancement... They'll show those in an endless stream, or pills that give you the @!#$s and make your hair fall out while having hydrochloric acid pouring out sweat glanes. What's worse?
I could go on forever, but I blame TV is pretty much the jist of it, that and our corrupt ass government that apparently needs to go to junior college and take a few International Relations classes...
I felt really compelled to add this video.
"She's dumb but COME ON (Miss South Carolina Swimsuit)"