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Could someone please explain how banning the LEGAL sale of certain guns will help keep then out of the hands of criminals? I mean they are criminals and they brake the law right? So what makes you think they care whats legal or not. Banning certain
types of guns only keeps them out of the hands of law abiding citizens, you know the ones how are gaurenteed in the constitution a right to be able to own them.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
If you ban the manufacture of the weapons, and harvest in illegal weapons, you keep it out of both.
If you don't manufacture the weapons, and restrict the import of weapons (like NORINCO weapons), you'll keep the heavy weapons out of criminal's hands.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
or just make sure the police are better armed to begin with.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
i don't see why they see the need to ban the big guns myself, 99% of crimes that involve guns are used with normal everyday guns, handguns, shotguns ect. "assault" rifles and automatic weapons only constitute about 1% of all crimes. and im sure the crimes would have been committed with or without an automatic weapon, so banning guns really has no effect.
now im not saying all weapons should be legal, i mean the average person does not need a rocket launcher, but take for instance the banning of .50 caliber rifles in california....they just killed the sport of extreme long range target shooting. do you really think a criminal is gonna mass murder with that size of a gun? i think not
ive said it before, and i'll say it again
"when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"
meaning, when guns get banned, only criminals will have them, and the innocent civilians will be left unprotected
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Well some of the guns are stolen from their owners so if people arent allowed to buy them then they cant be stolen from them.... Now I am not saying this is right or by any means the only way people get these guns but.... The only way to answer your questions the way it was asked.
Mike Woolever wrote:Well some of the guns are stolen from their owners so if people arent allowed to buy them then they cant be stolen from them.... Now I am not saying this is right or by any means the only way people get these guns but.... The only way to answer your questions the way it was asked.
The bad guys will find a way to get their hands on them if they want, a law won't stop them.
zero wrote:Mike Woolever wrote:Well some of the guns are stolen from their owners so if people arent allowed to buy them then they cant be stolen from them.... Now I am not saying this is right or by any means the only way people get these guns but.... The only way to answer your questions the way it was asked.
The bad guys will find a way to get their hands on them if they want, a law won't stop them.
Right which is why i said that "Now I am not saying this is right or by any means the only way people get these guns"
zero wrote:Mike Woolever wrote:Well some of the guns are stolen from their owners so if people arent allowed to buy them then they cant be stolen from them.... Now I am not saying this is right or by any means the only way people get these guns but.... The only way to answer your questions the way it was asked.
The bad guys will find a way to get their hands on them if they want, a law won't stop them.
Exactly, if NO ONE can get the guns, there's no one for the criminals to steal them from etc
this thread hurts my head
I am a law abiding citizen.
I want to buy a handgun legally.
I have to wait 2 weeks.
If I want to buy a gun illegally, I could have one now.
If you've been convicted of a felony, you can't legally own a gun.
So anyone who has "one strike" and commits a crime with a gun has purchased it illegally.
There are enough gun laws.
When Louisanna passed the law that you could legally shoot someone who was trying to car jack you, the rate of carjacking went down to almost zero overnight.
Police in Nazi Germany went house to house, searching for guns and other "contraband". Making all guns illegal isn't the answer.
If everyone carried a gun, there'd be less crime because criminals would not have the upper hand. Gramma in line at the grocery store could pull her pistol and shoot a robber. Let's make it a manditory law that everyone must carry a concealed weapon.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Mandatory concealed weapons, Now thats a great idea! The bad guys wouldn't know who was packing and who wasn't. Now I bet that would cut the crime rate!
Banning guns is a silly idea. Besides it would violate our rights gaurenteed to us in the constitution. If I want to buy an M-60 and blast apart old cars ( of which is a BLAST!! )
Then why shouldn't I be able to?
Banning a certain gun because its "high powered" then why stop there? Lets also ban
high performance cars as no one needs all that horsepower anyway. I mean why buy a sports car unless you intend to speed and brake the law? We should ban them too.
Next how about these hi powered stereos? Why does anyone need more then 25 watts of ear thumping power anyway?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Jackalope wrote: Lets also ban high performance cars as no one needs all that horsepower anyway. I mean why buy a sports car unless you intend to speed and brake the law? We should ban them too.
Next how about these hi powered stereos? Why does anyone need more then 25 watts of ear thumping power anyway?
Why stop there? Let's ban all food that isn't healthy. We'll only be able to legally buy organic broccoli, but there's a two week waiting period.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Careful what you guys are wishing for LOL you may just get it. I can understand wanting to own certin guns but to be honest they shouldnt be readily avialable to the general population. Unfotuneately people are careless gun owners and that is how people end up getting killed or hurt by guns. No offense but I wouldnt want Joe Q Public poppin off a couple rounds out of a 50 cal. though either. Not with as dangerous as they can be.
also the constitution says that we have the right to bear arms so then by the ban of certain kinds of guns they are infact violating the constitution. also the constitution doesnt give the power of gun control to federal or state legislature so then shouldnt all gun control then violate our rights as an american?
also california had a bill submitted wanting every bullet to have a serial number that could be tracked to who bought it. that is so not gonna happen but just shows how stupid perople are.
John Wilken wrote:I am a law abiding citizen.
I want to buy a handgun legally.
I have to wait 2 weeks.
Wow, you have to wait to weeks? We only have to pass the bradly background test - I walked out of the shop with my gun the day I bought it
eerr.. TWO not to
They cant ban the sell of firearms. It is our rights as americans to bear arms. They sure can make it a bitch to get one though.
I think that whoever wants to be able to carry an unconcealed weapon should be able to. That right there will keep someone from messing with you.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
We also have to consider that when they wrote the constitution there was not semi automatic or full automatic guns out there. Everything was muzzle load and had questionable accuracy
Mike Woolever wrote:We also have to consider that when they wrote the constitution there was not semi automatic or full automatic guns out there. Everything was muzzle load and had questionable accuracy
and what does that have to do with anything, if the type of firearm was that important then why hasnt there ever been an ammendment to specify what kinds of arms the american citizen can own/carry. and because there hasnt it should be our right to carry whatever the hell we want.
actually jackalope you can buy an M-60, if you have the proper license to own a machine gun
once i get a good job im gonna get that license, so i can finally buy myself a USAS 12, fully automatic 12 gauge shotgun
and like its been said, criminals will always have guns, nothing can stop that, if america banned all guns and shut down all gun maiking plants and seized all weapons, guns would get smuggled into america. all gun bans do is take away our rights to defend ourselves
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Jbody2nr wrote:They cant ban the sell of firearms. It is our rights as americans to bear arms. They sure can make it a bitch to get one though.
I think that whoever wants to be able to carry an unconcealed weapon should be able to. That right there will keep someone from messing with you.
the thing about an unconcealed weapon is that under most circumstances 90% of people will freak out so its not that great of an idea. can you imagine what would happen if you walked into a stor with an m16 on your back while you were buying groceries?
-=Shadow=- wrote:Mike Woolever wrote:We also have to consider that when they wrote the constitution there was not semi automatic or full automatic guns out there. Everything was muzzle load and had questionable accuracy
and what does that have to do with anything, if the type of firearm was that important then why hasnt there ever been an ammendment to specify what kinds of arms the american citizen can own/carry. and because there hasnt it should be our right to carry whatever the hell we want.

So they were just supposed to anticipate the devolopment of these weapons???
Actually the constitution says
" A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
So if we wanted to get all techincal it only gaurntees the right to bbear arms provided that they are a member of a well regulated militia
Right but it does not say the public it says
" A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
There was an arguement about this a couple of weeks ago about some law in Texas. In legal documents like this the second part is defined by the first part of the statement
So what they are saying is mor elike
A well regulated Militia is necessary to keep the country safe so we will allow the people to have and use arms because of this. Or as long as the weapons are being used in a Militia then their rights should not be infringed upon.
But by saying "the people" it is refering to the everyone. It would have to be worded, the right of them (the militia) shall not be infringed. They do not state thet it is the militia but the people and the people is refering to all americans.
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