Bastardking3000- You sound like a Moore fan. Defending a man that has repeatedly said that the war in Iraq is "for nothing". You demand I prove how he is anti-American, yet you cannot deny that he is Anti-US military, which in turn makes him anti-American. Are the soldiers in Iraq not Americans? Were the people of Iraq not brutally oppressed by their dictator? Some even murdered? Michael Moore has devoted his time and money to convince anyone that will watch his propaganda or listen to him speak that any US military action against Iraq is useless and futile. Is freeing millions of people from a dictator that used sarin and mustard gas on his own people useless? I don't think so. This guy goes to colleges to mindwash people into thinking that he knows better than everyone, and everyone should listen to him. We as a country are in the middle of a war on terror, and Michael Moore has and continues to try and derail our efforts by trying to split the country in two. This puts our soldiers at risk and makes us weaker as a country. Not only is this anti-american it is treasonous.
OMG where to begin...
1. I'm not "defending" him. In separating facts from unfounded opinion. See he is a "fat slob of whale blubber" just as you say. He is also only interested in spreading his ideals through propaganda with little regard to the truth(just like those "swindler boat veterans for baseless mudslinging" for example - and anyone would have to be pretty damm naive to not realize that the Bush Campaign was completely involved in that whole ordeal). However the Anti-American(and anti-military - at least I have never heard anything anti-military) things are not really founded on any factual basis. Just your opinion out of God-knows-where. Yeah he sucks though. He's kinda like the liberal version of "Rush," only maybe without as many painkillers.
2. So I can't deny that he is Anti-American?
Yes I can
. All you have is that he said that this war is crap(AND IT IS BTW - and I for one am ashamed to admit I once supported this mega-blunder of a war). That is NOT being anti-military. Our brave men and women in arms are NOT fighting for our freedoms in Iraq, they are fighting and dying because it is their SWORN DUTY to do as they are told by their superiors, and down the line you eventually get to commander-in-chief. They are being asked to give everything for Bush's agenda, AND THAT IS JUST PLAIN CRAP. They should not be there. They should not be dying in mass numbers for nothing. This war does not help America in any way(except the funeral industry). It has not and will not make us safer. And once everyone realizes this, it will be to late, because these solders who dies for nothing will not be coming back. These aren't just soldiers - or just a statistic(
1524) you read about, they are REAL people with REAL names and REAL families. And they are dying for nothing worthwhile, at least nothing that was really worth their lives... And what of those severely wounded(
11344)? Their lives will never be the same. And even many of those who get out without a physical scratch pay a heavy mental toll. I very good friend of mine got back a good while ago, having been shot 3 times, stabbed once, and having been beat on the head with a blunt object. He was one of the guys doing raids and such. Nothings to physically wrong with him, and for that he is really lucky. But to tell you the truth, he signed up to serve before the Iraq war, and he did his duty(He is a hero IMO), but if he ever saw Bush in person, he would (well I won't say what he would do, but its not good), . Oh yes, I'm aware that the soldiers in Iraq are Americans, and I hope for their safety. But do you realize how much safer they would be if they weren't in Iraq?! No, I'm not anti-military, but I do oppose THIS war. I'm not objected at all to fighting for AMERICANS, but I won't fight for Iraq. If I joined up, I would have no idea or choice where I would be stationed. If I could choose Afghanistan for example, I would be much more tempted to serve. But so long as we're in Iraq or any other such foolish cause which does in no way preserve AMERICAN freedom(not Iraqi freedom or any other),
3. There is a war on terror going on, but most of our troops aren't fighting it. Ever heard of a country called Afghanistan? That is mainly where our troops should have been in the first place. Do you really think that if we had put 130k troops into Afghanistan, that Osama would have gotten away?! No, but instead we gave the task mostly to the northern alliance warlords(and I can't help but think that if THEY had caught him, that he could pay THEM off to pretend they never found him). [sarcasm]Great move.[/sarcasm]
4. He is not trying nor succeeding in splitting this country in two. In this department he has only made a little more visible the fact that we are ALREADY splitting at the seems. No, it is Mr. "I am a uniter, not a divider" who has split us. No, America has been split in two LONG, LONG before most people ever heard of Michael Moore. It really started(a little at least) when Bush got elected, and everything he has done has made it worse and worse.
This guy [...] to mindwash people into thinking that he knows better than everyone, and everyone should listen to him.
5. By simply taking out a few words, now your describing Bush pretty well. LOL.
This puts our soldiers at risk and makes us weaker as a country. Not only is this anti-american it is treasonous.
6. Well just how does not agreeing with the war put our soldiers at risk(I've never heard of a soldier dying from a Fahrenheit 9/11 wound - lol). You can very easily support the soldiers without supporting the war.
So exercising your constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech is treason?! And YOU are calling Michael Moore "Anti-American"?!!!!!!!! OMG!! Well this quote would be right, if only you where speaking about the Iraq war. I personally feel that Bush is the one who should be tried for treason(not to mention being tried for international violations of law). He is a far bigger threat to our freedoms that Osama ever was or ever could be. Allow me to explain. You see Osama Bin Lauden can only take our lives, Bush can(and does) take away the very freedoms that have really make America great in the first place, the freedoms all truly patriotic people
should hold most dear.
Just remember one thing, this Government exist for one purpose, to protect your freedoms against those (assumably external threats) that would try to deprive you of your freedom. The government is intended by our forefathers to exist for you(this is why we seperated from Great Brittan). Somewhere along the lines this got turned around to where we are supposed to exist for our country. This is not what our forefathers intended, if they had, they would never have fought, and died, to separate us from Great Brittan(as we where supposed to have, at that point - exist for Great Brittan which was our country at the time - just as America is now). Our Government is SUPPOSED to protect our freedoms before anything, but then again, priest aren't SUPPOSED to molest alter-boys either. But that shows the world we live in, and why we can't just assume everything is as it should be with those who are to lead us.
There are many fools who opt not to question the actions taken the government and as such this administration, those who feel that security(or a false sense of it as it where) is more important than our freedoms. These fools deserve neither freedom or security. There are those who think freedom is a luxury. Maybe elsewhere in the world. This is America. The moment that our forefathers broke free from tyranny is the moment that freedom became a birth-rite of all Americans. It cannot be traded, even temporarily, or it will be lost forever(or at least until a new revolution - but that will never happen in this day in age). Remember that income tax was also "temporarily needed" for the ww2 crisis. And now what was "temporary" is now permanent, although that crisis spawned its need is long over. And yet fools think that freedoms can temporarily be suspended. If they can be suspended at all, regardless of the reason or circumstance, they are only an illusion. That's like installing a lock on your house, but giving potential burglars a key - to be used in "emergency situations only." Am I the only one who sees this?! WAKE UP!! [/rant

I'll just say one last thing. I would give my life for freedom, but I will not give my freedom for my life. You tell me which is more dear to you...
I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?