just put my goldlines in... im sooo low, and sooo lovin it!!
pics are on my cardomain page... first 4 pics.
My Car Domain <br>
2004 Cavalier ~ 15.7- Bone Stock... 17's and full sound system
Oh yeah... Vote for me!... and sign my gestboook!! <br>
2004 Cavalier ~ 15.7- Bone Stock... 17's and full sound system
tight dude im just like that if not lower with my cheapo dropzones... i love it too but i already cracked my body kit up pritty bad, i guess its time for an aftermarket one... now i got a good excuse!!
Looks good. I hate snow!
PS I saw a 03-05 cav with that chev exterme turner kit and it looked good!
Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?
hope your stock GM Struts will hold on.
You must be jumping mad though ?!?
Anyway look awsome compared to mine.
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