i am aware that some 2002 cavaliers have an ecotec motor in them. is this true for all of the the 2002 2.2 liter cavaliers? or just the LS models or something. im looking into getting an 02 since i like the older body style better, but like the capabilities of the ecotec. thanks
Its just the LS Sports.......if its got fog lights and the lower ground effects and the shiner 16" rims and says cavalier LS on the back it should have an ecotec......thats what I got.
for the 2002 there were 3 choices of motors.
2200 SFI
2.4 L
Ecotec was in the last seen 2002 cavaliers.
Yeah I have one and its a bit$$ finding parts.
Someone thats premium post this guys attached pic for us cheapos..........
just buy an 04 it will rub off on you i didnt like them at first <br>
its a cavalier i should get 2 cars and the hit