I believe the evolution of the human race needs help, so I've come up with an idea.
Let's temporarily sterilize everyone at birth. When you've decided you want to have children, you have to pass a written test and talk to a shrink. The written test wouldn't be like a college entrance exam, but more common sense questions like this:
Your baby is crying. Do you:
a) place in plastic garbage bag and throw it out
b) ignore it and go back to my crack pipe
c) pick it up and see what the problem is
We breed animals for better characteristics all the time. Dogs are bred certain ways, and the ones who are deemed less than desirable are "fixed". Even chickens are bred for more meat. So why stop there?
You have to earn the right to drive a car by being a certain age, passing a written test and the driving exam. Why is it that for something as important as bringing a life into the world we'll let anyone do it without making sure they're qualified?
What do you think?
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Besides that its ridiculously impossible/improbable? A limit to the number of kids you could have is a better idea (china style)
Ridinonair wrote:Besides that its ridiculously impossible/improbable? A limit to the number of kids you could have is a better idea (china style)
China has a limit on the number of kids because of extreme overcrowding, not to better the human race. They will eventually have less quantity of people, but not any higher quality of people.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
John Wilken wrote:I believe the evolution of the human race needs help, so I've come up with an idea.
Let's temporarily sterilize everyone at birth.
How do you suggest we acomplish this? How many lawsuits would be filed because some weren't able to have children later whether due to the procedure or not. Every sterile person would sue the doctors and all other agencies that required it.
John Wilken wrote:When you've decided you want to have children, you have to pass a written test and talk to a shrink.
There would never be any consensus on what constitutes "passing". People can't agree now on what defines a good parent. Some competent parents are looked down upon by others because they do things differently. I understand your point, but it has the potential to get out of control quickly.
John Wilken wrote:We breed animals for better characteristics all the time. Dogs are bred certain ways, and the ones who are deemed less than desirable are "fixed". Even chickens are bred for more meat. So why stop there?
Anyone can be picky about who they choose to reproduce with. That is selective breeding. Are you saying that someone else determine who you can reproduce with? I wouldn't let someone else stop me from having children just because I was deemed unacceptable.
John Wilken wrote:You have to earn the right to drive a car by being a certain age, passing a written test and the driving exam. Why is it that for something as important as bringing a life into the world we'll let anyone do it without making sure they're qualified?
Reproduction is about as close to a human right as you can get in my opinion. That's not to say that I think everyone should reproduce. It's just not for anyone else to decide either.
In two short paragraphs, you've managed to surpass the book '1984'. Quite an accomplishment (unless of course you value things like freedom, etc.)
Pork Chop Sandwiches!!! wrote:In two short paragraphs, you've managed to surpass the book '1984'. Quite an accomplishment (unless of course you value things like freedom, etc.)
Remember that next time you see a news story about a baby left in a garbage bag in a shopping mall or foster kids who are kept in cages at night because they didn't want to stay in bed. Both stories have been on the news in Cleveland this month.
Isn't there a minumum age requirement and a license needed to catch a fish? Aren't there laws regarding what you can catch and when? Ohio even has a law regarding using treble hooks to catch a fish.
How can there be no restrictions on who can have children when there are so many laws for trivial things like fishing?
Is it an elimination of your freedom to need a license to catch a fish?
Pork Chop, you are not free to drink and drive. You are not free to hunt deer out of season. You can not operate a car on public roads without a license. You aren't even allowed to legally drink a beer without being old enough.
So how is this different from any other aspect of already existing laws? They're written for the greater good of society. Freedom only exists in a structured set of rules, what you're speaking of is anarchy where everyone is free to do as they please.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
John: I've dealt with ish like this, first hand. Trust me, an infant in the garbage, a stabbing over a misplaced look: Humans are the trash of the world, not because we just are, because we choose to be.
Sterilisation programs are an admission of utter failure. Taxation breaks after completion of mandated parenting programs are a better solution.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:John: I've dealt with ish like this, first hand. Trust me, an infant in the garbage, a stabbing over a misplaced look: Humans are the trash of the world, not because we just are, because we choose to be.
Sterilisation programs are an admission of utter failure. Taxation breaks after completion of mandated parenting programs are a better solution.
We agree that something should be done, I would take further than mandated parenting classes.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Why not just make it legal to kill stupid people?
The government could issue permits for it and possibly reduce the deficit. I would buy one.
James Cahill wrote:Why not just make it legal to kill stupid people?
The government could issue permits for it and possibly reduce the deficit. I would buy one.
Yea, you could call it a "Retro-active Abortion"!!! LOL!
Would there be a "Stupid Season", like "Deer Season"?
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
James Cahill wrote:Why not just make it legal to kill stupid people?
The government could issue permits for it and possibly reduce the deficit. I would buy one.
Great Idea James... seriously.. Fantastic...
I'd start with the imbeciles that made it legal, and work my way down the American Taliban and finish off with Ted Nugent.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:
... and finish off with Ted Nugent.

Noooo! Not the nuge!!
(currently playing "wango tango" on itunes)
So GAM, you're on board with this? You've already got your hit list...
j/k, geeze, don't add me to your list.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote: taliban, nugent, and that John guy from JBO.
OK, maybe that isn't such a good idea after all.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote: too late, I've written your name on a bullet. I'll see you soon, but you won't see me.
Alright, it's not a good idea. Let's talk about happy sunshine pictures and pretty rainbows.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote: Let's talk about the cross hairs in my night scope. I'll give you a 3 second head start. 2... 1... GAME ON!
OK, I've got to start packing and move to Australia!
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
^^^ LOL!!!
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
John Wilken wrote:
Let's temporarily sterilize everyone at birth. When you've decided you want to have children, you have to pass a written test and talk to a shrink. The written test wouldn't be like a college entrance exam, but more common sense questions like this:
You have to earn the right to drive a car by being a certain age, passing a written test and the driving exam. Why is it that for something as important as bringing a life into the world we'll let anyone do it without making sure they're qualified?
well first off the test idea wouldnt work. think of it this way. you need to pass a test to drive right? how many unlicensed drivers are out there? theres ways around everything. just because you make a test for something doesnt mean everything is going to work. also you cant judge what is and what isnt good parenting. what one person calls good parenting, another might not. now of course you're gonna come back w/ the dead baby in a trash can or babies that are being starved. your right on that, that is terrible parenting and those people shouldnt be allowed kids. on the other hand theres 6 billion plus people in the world. this is pretty much stereotyping the whole human race based off what 10% does.
I believe the evolution of the human race needs help, so I've come up with an idea.
There was another guy who felt much the same way. He was well on the way to establishing this "superior" race that would have eventually taken over the world. Then the second world war started and his dreams were shattered.
Don't take this to heart and no, I am not trying to call you Hitler, the similarities to his and your ideas are quite similar and did give me a good chuckle.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they are going to feel all day. ~ Dean Martin
Graden wrote:
There was another guy who felt much the same way. He was well on the way to establishing this "superior" race that would have eventually taken over the world. Then the second world war started and his dreams were shattered.
Don't take this to heart and no, I am not trying to call you Hitler, the similarities to his and your ideas are quite similar and did give me a good chuckle.
No offense taken, I see your point. My position isn't to create a master race, just weeding out the exceptionally stupid. I don't think that idiots who would abuse/mistreat their children should be allowed to have them.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
The Final Solution was to weed out the exceptionally Jew.
Seriously, reproduction is about as much a human right as there is (it's instinct). There's no way you'll be able to suppress that. You're also assuming that pre-puberty vaesectomies and tubal ligations can be reversed... that's true in maybe 5-10% of cases, otherwise you're ish outta luck. I'd rather see mandatory sex education with kids, starting young, Teach abstinence, then barrier method, then chemical blockers (the pill).
Anyhow, I think you've also neglected to guage what an important role the dregs of society play... you can always say to yourself: "at least I'm not some hillbilly tard like them..." If we lose them, everyone drops down a societal notch.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Anyhow, I think you've also neglected to guage what an important role the dregs of society play... you can always say to yourself: "at least I'm not some hillbilly tard like them..." If we lose them, everyone drops down a societal notch. 
Everyone drops down a notch? It's that kind of logic that got my last new car keyed. "Well, he's got a better car than me, so I'll key it to bring him down to my level".
**rant over**
I'd rather be the dumbest rocket scientist than the smartest garbage picker.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote: you're getting your name written on another bullet, cleveland boy
So how about this weather? Seems to be getting colder this week.....
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Why is it that my last post never said that last bit???
Anyhow... I was being facetious

Wiseass. And, I hate to admit it, but I know a few incredibly stupid scientists (albeit, socially inept, barely washed and groomed, unable to drive or really feed themselves properly whacko-scientist types are in short supply and shorter demand) that are utterly brilliant in their chosen field.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
If we eliminated the less than stellar, then who's going to
Manage the McD's?
clean the bathrooms are work?
check out my groceries at Wal Mart?
sweep the football stadium?
pick up the garbage?
mow my lawn?
You guys are dumb. If we eliminate the lower tier, we'll just have a new lower tier. And if you're certain you're in the top 50% now, you might not be in the new top 50% then, or after that.
A dumb idea just gets dumber.
great point......we need stupid people
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
AGuSTiN wrote:If we eliminated the less than stellar, then who's going to
Manage the McD's?
clean the bathrooms are work?
check out my groceries at Wal Mart?
sweep the football stadium?
pick up the garbage?
mow my lawn?
I'm all for that, except, when said people are allowed to run for public office.
Being a straight C student and proud of it... sorry you're not qualified enough.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Playing God always fails.
AGuSTiN wrote:If we eliminated the less than stellar, then who's going to
Manage the McD's?
clean the bathrooms are work?
check out my groceries at Wal Mart?
sweep the football stadium?
pick up the garbage?
mow my lawn?
You guys are dumb. If we eliminate the lower tier, we'll just have a new lower tier. And if you're certain you're in the top 50% now, you might not be in the new top 50% then, or after that.
A dumb idea just gets dumber.
yup the world needs losers too
Hahahaha wrote:Playing God always fails.
Unless you drop 10 floors of concrete buliding on an SOB that deserves it.
Then, I'd say playing God works pretty damned well.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.