I was just wondering if anybody has heard good/bad thing about the Jet Power Control Unit??What does it exactly do,or is it even worth it?......Does it even work for our eco's? Sorry for all the questions but im trying to get info on what to get next on my car....thx! <br>
I've yet to see one work on the Ecos... Doesnt mean it isn't out.
It doesnt do anything but change your power band. You get more sooner, but overall, if you are running 120 to the wheels, you will still get 120 to the wheels max...
All the JET chip does is trick the throttle possion sensor so that it reads full open, you can save yourself money and just push the accelerator all the way to the floor. The JET is one of the biggest rippoffs out there because there are to many uniformed people.
its just crap they can sell
dont buy it <br>
its a cavalier i should get 2 cars and the hit
I got an e-mail from a guy in a cavalier forum. He said that it would take care of the speed limiter. But I am not quite sure. He said it could be JET or something else,dont remember. Just wondering if anyone else heard the same thing. Oh, I wouldn't to to the cavalier forum on google and ask about removing the governor also. The banned me for asking that question in a half hour. Messed up.
I remembered the other company he told me. It was Venom. Sorry
The venom one is even worse...don't buy either!