absolutely awesome! Thanks!
For some reason i cannot open this website. It just sits and loads forever!
Is this the actual GM Ecotec Handbook?
Matthew Strong wrote:For some reason i cannot open this website. It just sits and loads forever!
How fast is your connection? That might be the problem, or if you don't have acorbat reader, or a pdf file reader.
Its an 11MB PDF File, it takes awhile to download. I printed it =D All 160 pages. As far as I can tell, it is a copy of the handbook that they sell on gmpartsdepot.com under the Ecotec section.
Oh, didnt realize that it was that big of a file. I am on DSL though, shouldnt take forever. It even seems like nothing is happening at all
because it doesnt load of the page d00d, just click the link and a download promt should pop up before you, click save and there u go, the web page is just a portal for the DL theres nothing to load thats why u cant load it
In some part of the book there's some error on the part number for the supercharger kit, they miss a 0
Part description: Supercharger kit
Part number 17800003